Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bath Salts: Zombie Apocalypse 2012?

So, in case you haven't heard:
on May 21st there was a "zombie" or "cannibal" attack in Miami, Florida.
Which is kind of unsettling.. 
The attacker? A 31-year-old former football player named Rudy Eugene. 
The Victim? a 65-year-old homeless man named Poppo.
Now, Poppo had recently been kicked out of his "house". (aka parking garage of a Wildlife Attraction called Jungle Island.. )
So, he was just out looking for a new place to "live" and out of nowhere a naked black guy comes charging at him and starts literally eating face.
I'd like some sort of proof he actually "ate" this guys skin, though. Because according to the information released on the case  "Poppo reportedly lost 75 percent of his face in the attack, including his eyes, nose, cheeks and mouth." . Ripped and torn but not digested. (am I making you queasy yet? lol Sorry...)
15 minutes into the attack, a police officer fired a warning shot, a non fatal, and finally one right in the head.
Poppo is in critical condition and probably in a hospital waiting to die. Lovely.
Rudy's relatives (of course) said some bullshit to The Tampa Bay news letter about how he recently learned the truth about not knowing his real father. 

not to mention he allegedly threatened to kill his mother during a "domestic incident" in their house in '04. 

Because of this event, there are a lot of theories getting thrown around.When interviewed, Rudy's friends claimed that he had recently been "battling a devil." 
I find it extremely ironic that Rudy was said by childhood friends as a "preacher". Always following the word of God and reading from his bible (for lack of a better word) religiously.
Apparently, he even had "Deliver me from my enemies, O my Lord; Defend me from those who rise up against me. For the Lord God is my defense. …'' from Psalm 59 on his Facebook earlier that week. 

Well, what about the other flesh-eating homicide in Maryland last week?
A 21-year-old college student (Alexander Kinyua) allegedly told detectives that he hadn't just killed a man.. 
(who had apparently been living with his family for months) 
..but had EATEN his heart and portions of his brain. 
The victim's severed head and hands were found in the man's home; more remains were left in a trash container outside a church. 

The Police are blaming the synthetic drug:  "bath salts," while some are actually blaming it on a looming zombie apocalypse. 
siiiiigh. what will they think of next? -_-
Now, when I say "bath salts" I don't mean actual bath Epsom salts that you can buy at Bed Bath and Beyond. lol 
Side effects include:  agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, chest pain, and eating hobo faces. there are even a few recorded suicides while under the influence. 
The clinical presentation is similar to mephedrone (a chemical found in other designer drugs), with agitation, psychosis, and stimulatory effects.
These aren't the first drug-induced, cannibalistic cases like this.

A hip hop artist named Big Lurch was put in prison in 2002 for murder of his 21-year-old roommate under the influence of PCP. He tore out her insides and apparently devoured 
Just last month, a Shrewsbury, Massachusetts man suffering from dementia was involved in a horrific killing/cannibalization of his wife.
So do I think it's zombies? No.. I think it's drug addicts that are ingesting whatever they can get their hands on.
But you know what?
I think we should prepare for a zombie apocalypse anyway. They aren't that far off from just messed up people.  You should feel safe in your own home, and there are already so many messed up things we have to deal with in the world..
(A random, brutal, cannibalistic attack by a crazed, naked man should not be on that list)
..and what scares me more than a zombie is a psychotic person blending in with society.

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